Mandi Shënediela

Who I am as an aspiring entrepreneur is defined by my failure to become a Musician, Basketball player,  Graphic Designer, Full stack developer, Photographer , Architect , Engineer, Modern Marketer , Digital Product Creator, Theatre performer …



A Brief Story

Following my Graduation in Finance at Richmond University in London, My working journey began at Deloitte Albania’s FAS, where I honed my analytical and financial acumen. 

Later I co – founded Buletin News Platform, a tech-forward news application, and spearheaded Buletin Digital, a creative agency committed to delivering qualitative digital solutions and marketing strategies. 

My passion for development led me to manage investments for Boiken Developments, significantly contributing to the various dimensions of quality in the real estate landscape in Albania. Boiken Developments plays a pivotal role in shaping the vision, design and management structure of Kep Merli, a luxury resort and residence in the south of Albania.

Beyond my work, I have dedicated over 10 years to photography, capturing the world through my lens, and have immersed myself in music theory and guitar for two decades, showcasing my commitment to the arts and continuous personal growth.

My self-directed study in architecture over the last decade reflects my deep appreciation for various design disciplines and structure. This mix of finance, technology, real estate, and creative arts defines my multifaceted approach to inclusive leadership and innovation.

Currently , I am Passionately engaged in the art of failing forward, finding joy and opportunity in the iterative process of creating and refining digital products, managing investments, and developing real estate. 

I am eager to bring this set of skills and experiences towards counselling, to the best of my capabilities, your career growth through strategic insight and creative thinking.


“Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible.” Richard Feynman

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Ted Wormins
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